13 hrs agoLiked by Corey Banana

I can relate--heavily. The work that comes with getting over friendship wounds is something serious... although I love connecting with ppl I always take it slow and I don't use the word "friend" lightly. Ppl get weird about women not having girlfriends but there are so many layers to it. I've walked into a room of my whole girl "friend" group laughing as one girl talked shit about me and then they all went silent... It's always something. I love community, and I pray to form meaningful connections but I'm happy to be at peace even if the price is being alone. "God's Entourage is enough for me"--I love that.

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Come on!!! “I’m happy to be at peace even if the price is being alone”

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ah, you navigate the ephemerality of human connection with such clarity. i’m also someone who’s never been part of a friendship group. i used to think i was getting in my own way but i actually just needed to accept that i’d much rather talk to a friend for 4+ hours in full concentration than have to fracture myself adhering to the politics of bouncing of 4+ friends, the theatre of it. thanks for sharing ✍🏾

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I know I’m so perfect it’s crazy. 😏🤭

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str8 macadamias honestly, teach me ✋🏾😌🤚🏾

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I've ditched people who make me feel "drained" after hanging out. A friend shouldn't make you feel that way in my opinion.

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Nope. A friend should bring great comfort and security

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