"I don't carry human flesh" I love that line, this was a beautiful read

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Corey Banana

Big on the hygiene part! I've had to remind my 32 yo FWB to wear deodorant on a few occasions recently and I am left questioning my life choices, because what the fuck am I doing with that? LOL.

And I learned about dealing with men by myself, no input from my not-behind bars dad. Some might say I have daddy issues, but we are all learning innit?🤷🏾‍♀️

Great read, thanks for being so open.

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Sep 17Liked by Corey Banana

Powerful read. You’ve got an extremely thick armor up. Im guessing that’s the only way to survive and thrive. It sucks that people have to take advantages of others’ weaknesses instead of encouraging strengths.

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Sep 15Liked by Corey Banana

i absolutely loveddd this, thank you.

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thank you for reading :)

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Got dayum.

This hit me right in the gut. My daughter was barely born when I went to prison for murder and I've never encountered anything that could potentially serve as her perspective. I had to skim a few parts because I was immediately equating this to what may have been her experience and ain't no dad wanna hear about woman things when he's thinking about how what was written may apply to his little girl.

I'm going to read this again and again.

Good lookin' out for this unintentional slap to my face. Seriously.

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and because my father is still in prison for murder I’ve attracted nothing but killers lmfao and I honestly don’t mind dating guys like that but it’s all about presentation you know?

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The Game has a scent even our kids carry. It's fk'd up but I can tell if someone came up around it no matter how far from that bs they've ran.

Just mind yourself with us, we didn't get hemmed up for making good decisions.

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I agree with you. To be frank, I prefer killers but not in a precarious way more so the level of passion is there, unique characteristics, etc. as a woman I love being with someone I never met before! I feel like everyone is carbon copies of each other. I wanted to write a post about it… I wonder if this is a universe thing where even if you don’t look for something it finds you anyway.

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I would still have a relationship with my father if he wasn’t so judgmental. You can’t judge what your daughter does when you’re sitting behind bars giving her no direction. Advice is nice but advice isn’t currency. Chile I’m done, protecting my peace

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I definitely didn't do that. If you're curious about a dad's perspective in this situation, I wrote about it in "A Daughter of Criminals". It ain't your dad's story but it's in the same genre.

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Of course I’ll take a look!

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Reading this article made me call her lol

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Sep 10Liked by Corey Banana

You went through a storm and came out stronger. You go Corey.

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Yes!! A beautiful storm, all that matters I made it out

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Wow, you and Samantha are my heros now😍

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Wow. I really resonated with this!

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Thank you for reading! 💖

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Solid. U 120 with this. None of us got this joint figgered da hell out. The struggle kontinues 2 B REAL.

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Thank you for reading 🥰

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Sep 8Liked by Corey Banana

Girl WHEW. Amen.

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Thank you for reading 💕🙈

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Lots of pussy talk. No complaints. Women are complicated and I try to gain as much info as possible. Even at my advanced age. lol

Sorry about your father. Mine wasn't in my life so I know it can be rough, but it sounds like you've come to some sort of peace.

I'm curious as to where you're headed on your writing journey. Looking forward to reading more.

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I do have a website check it out anyezahrichards.com 🤭

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"Despite her efforts, none of her poetry earned public recognition."

I swear you are a laugh riot. :)

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I think I’m this big star 💀 why you laughing it’s so true 🤣🤣

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Period 💕

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Thank you for reading 💖

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