I also dislike DL men, not because they are secretly gay (their sexuality is there business). My gripe is the fact of instead of living in their truth they’re cowards who hide behind women using them as a shield. Playing with their emotions. Gay or not when you’re sexual with someone you should always be honest about you’re other current sexual endeavors. Gay, straight, bisexual or lesbian. I do have to disagree about the public trying to “poison children minds”. Why is a same sex relationship on tv any more poisonous than a straight relationship. I don’t feel like a gay agenda is being pushed, i feel like gay people no longer feel a need to hide anymore and people aren’t used to them being unapologetically gay. Kids will be kids. A 3 year old will hug another 3 year old and think nothing of it. Kids will kiss each other (probably cause that’s what they’ve seen) and think absolutely nothing of it. It’s that adults that assign meaning to it for them. “Oh that’s his girlfriend” “he’s gonna be a heart breaker” “she’s gonna have all the boys wrapped around her finger”. But you can’t be mad at what your children indulges in when you’re giving them unsupervised access to the internet. Gay people have always existed and they always will.

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All I know is that dudes who have over the top masculine traits look like posers to me. Like who the fuck are you trying to impress? Would I be judged for crossing my legs while watching football? Because I've done that many times. (or maybe this is just in Atlanta?) LOL. All I'm saying is that you don't have to act like a cliche and still like pussy....or maybe I missed the point...it's happened before.

New subscriber. Good stuff. Looking forward to more.

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I understand everything you’re saying. I do think men who are overly masculine come across as suspect. You wouldn’t be judged by crossing your legs it’s more so how you cross your legs lmao!!! Thank you so much for subscribing 💖

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